Ehwaz- Part 2

Germanic Name:  Ehwaz
Mod. Eng:             Horse
Old Eng.:              Eh
Phonetic:              E
                                                                                       (Handbook, 55)

Physical Representation:

                                                                                      (Futhark, 12-13)

Divination Meanings:

             General:    Harmony, teamwork, trust, loyalty, marriage, fertility
             Warning:    Disharmony, mistrust, betrayal, duplicity
                                                                                         (Handbook, 55-56)

Mythological Connections:

              "the horse is a man's fetch"   This is a metaphor for human existence.
              Fetch: Fylgja-  is a spirit who accompanies a person in connection to their fate or fortune. The word fylgja means “to accompany” similar to that of the Irish Fetch.  (wikipedia entry)

             This is also a reference to Sleipnir. He is the eight legged horse that Loki gave birth to after the story of how the Wall of Asgard was built. The giant to who made the deal wanted the Sun, the Moon, and Freya in exchange for finishing the wall on time. Loki changed Himself into a mare and distracted the giant's horse without whom the wall could not be finished.  When Loki returned nine months later He had an eight legged horse with Him.  Sleipnir He gave to Odin for traveling the nine worlds.  Some think the eight legs are a spider's trait, and spiders are often weavers of fate and can travel the webs/bridges that others cannot.

             "Who are those two
                that have ten feet
               three eyes
               and one tail"                                                         (Runelore, 129-130)

            There is also a reference to horse cults, sacred mares kept by priests who did no work and never had a rider on their backs.  These horses were sometimes sacrificed to the gods, notably Freyr and Odin, and the future read upon their intestines.  (Frey: God of the World, 37-38)
            Riding was also part of warfare, traveling, and farming.


              This rune is neither organic or inorganic, but is instead a rune of transport and transcendence.  The third airt is the location where the work is done.

              But if elements are to be connected to this rune, Air could be due to the traits of omnipresence, all-pervasiveness, and motion.  This references the ability to enter all realms and move across any bridge.

               Earth is also an elements this rune could connect due to the traits of all potential, and archetypal manifestation.  To be able to travel the worlds means it might be possible to bring back tools, knowledge, etc.                                                           (Runelore, 140)

Cosmic, Spiritual Meanings:

This rune speaks of a harmonious relationship between 2 forces working toward a common goal.  It is a rune of trust and loyalty.  People and horses develop very deep relationships between each other which can last a lifetime, decades.  For the modern human, this is much like a relationship with a dog, for those of us too poor or too urban to have a horse.

"The fidelity of a dog is a precious gift demanding no less binding moral responsibilities than the friendship of a human being. The bond with a true dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth can ever be, a fact which should be noted by anyone who decides to acquire a canine friend."
~ Konrad Lorenz  "Man Meets Dog"

This trust between man and his animal can also be extended to the loyalty and trust necessary between gods and man to work harmoniously toward a shared goal, like the evolution of human consciousness.

This is represented by the duality:   man/horse, horse/chariot, man/fylgja, body/soul

The bindrune for Mannaz and Ehwaz is in the above image.

This means "I am" which is the sacred consciousness, self identity.

This is a rune for travel between worlds.  This could indicate magickal realms, and spiritual worlds. The picture of a man riding a horse is a symbol of magickal protection.  It is a rune to meditate on when doing astral work, or fertility.

It is also a rune of "lawful" marriage which I take to mean as consensual adults.  When a child reaches an age of fully developed free will and emerging consciousness, they are capable of choosing a deep relationship.  It is common in religious groups for children to be baptized before consciousness as a form of protection. But then the child is re-baptized when they reach adulthood because only then can they choose their faith.  That is legal consent and legal union with god.
                                                                                              (Futhark, 58-59)

Magickal Uses:

Trance, Possession, "Horsing", Soul Travel, Soul Projections
Trust/ Loyalty
Projection of Magickal Power, Manifestation

The Eights:

I have forgotten to do these connections with the previous runes and I will probably go back soon and add the missing section.

Row 1: Mysteries/Tools to learn
Row 2:  Trials and Tribulations / Conflicts and paths to success
Row 3: The realm where the student works                           (Runelore, 140)

Thurisaz is in the first eight directly above and is absolute kinetic Energy. This is the tool the student must master. Action in its purest form must be harnessed and controlled.  This rune is Isa plus Kenaz, or fire directed at melting ice: turning potential energy into kinetic energy,

Isa is in the second row of conflicts and trials. This is the rune of absolute potential energy and perfect stillness.

Ehwaz is two Isa runes with a Kenaz rune pointing it's heat skyward.  Kenaz in this orientation also looks like a cup catching what falls.  Ehwaz is the fire or kinetic force plus the absolute potential of Isa.

So, the tool of absolute movement when controlled and condensed inside of 2 Isa runes makes it possible for the student to "harness" spiritual energy from the divine (falling into the Kenaz cup) and direct it toward astral travel between the worlds.  From this exercise comes our ability to cultivate relationships with the gods and from this we build rust and loyalty between ourselves and our deities.

Final Meditations:

       3 Paths Through Midgard:

This stanza is in the third section called The Path of the Yeoman.  This section speaks of a pair of lovers and the possibility of new life in their union.  The following lines describe a team of horse plowing the earth and the planting of seeds between the union of Sky and Earth.
      "All pairs are false: hidden lurks a third."

This implies a married couple will create a baby and won't be only two for long.  And the earth and sky bring forth life on earth and so again, will not be only a couple for long.  The union of two beings working toward a common goal is necessary for life and necessary for growth.

        The Rune Poem:

The horse in the stanza is the comfort to the wanderer.  This may be an Odin reference since he is often referred to as  wanderer or traveler.  Horses are important in his myths, specifically Sleipnir.  This is also a reminder that horses are essential in life and survival during this time in European history and it is not uncommon for horses to be buried or burned with their owner's body after death. Perhaps to help them cross to the next world.

In Mannaz, we also see the rune Ehwaz.  The union of the body and higher consciousness, the mind in control of the beast, is the greater meaning when we overlap the Dagaz shape with Mannaz.

In the Old Norse Rune Rhyme and the Old Icelandic Rune Poem, the shape given to this rune is
This is the same shape given to Elhaz in the Elder futhark.  Laying this meaning over the rune Ehwaz, we get a deeper meaning of travel and warfar.  Elhaz is sometimes a sword and sometimes a figure reaching up towards the heavens in worship or praying for divine sustenance.  This is further potential for a deeper understanding of spiritual travel and communion with the gods.

Note:  I will be only editing occasionally over this week.  I plan on taking a break from runes until at least the weekend.  I have so much glass cutting and gardening to fit in before I travel to Cleveland.  And my mind needs a rest.


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