Ansuz- Part 1
There's a little story to this one. So this morning I was in my morning devotional. I pray to Sigyn each morning for healing, for a healthy community, for strength as well as softness where appropriate. I love Her. And I am working with Her to aid me in building and strengthening community. She can be soft and loving, but also hard as nails when need be. I've only seen her "slightly perturbed" once. Do not wish to repeat. She stuck around this morning when Loki popped in and "encouraged" me to choose my next rune. She seems to have a "civilizing" effect on "the Boys". I do think Sigyn and Frigga might be the only goddesses that could pull off calling Odin one of "the Boys". As I am doing this rune study, I have since the beginning asked for help from Odin. It makes sense given the runes came from the tree, to Him, and then to us humans. Need help with runes? Odin is the ultimate/obvious source. But I admit, I h...