Jera- Part 2

It is a time of harvests.

I went to a Lughnasadh ritual with the local ADF grove.  It was very nice and there was a lot of singing.  I like the singing. It reminds me I need to bring galdr back into our blots.

Funny, the section I was reading in Futhark this morning has to do with galdr, meditation, and breath control.  Apparently I'm getting messages from all sides to increase my meditation work.  Even a demand from Loki yesterday.  I need to stop sleeping in so long and get up early to fit in more work before I start my work for the day. LOL

But increasing from 0 minutes should be simple enough.

But back to Harvests.

I've been making a concerted effort to touch base again with my old stomping grounds in the pagan community.  I've gotten back on and I'll be going to coffees again.  And I'm starting to get involved with new activities, like the ADF grove rituals and meetups.

Yes, it's part of networking and community building, but it's also part of my spiritual development. I need to be around others who are following the same or similar path to keep myself on my path.  Too much time alone could lead me off into a delusional direction.  I could also stagnate.

Putting myself out there gives me the opportunity to meet with others, get stimulated with new ideas, and put myself in the path of potential teachers or students.

This has been a recurring theme.  It's not enough to know.  I have to share my knowledge with others and continue the pursuit for new knowledge. To take what I already know and practice  to the next level.

And speaking of sharing. . .


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