DraKo- Dagaz, Raidho. Ansuz, Kenaz, Othala

I have been a practitioner of Dragon magick for about 20 years. I first started working with Dragon energy in college. I got some crap for it as well.

    I think when Fae workers first entered Wicca and the Neo-Pagan community, they were somewhat treated as flaky. Now there are covens and traditions that focus on specifically working with elves and land spirits.  There is no longer a real stigma attached to working with these spirits or beings anymore.

I'd really like to be able to say the same about those who work with Dragons, drakes, and fire elementals.  We still seem to be portrayed as destructive, greedy, and out of our gourds.  Delusional is the word that often comes up.  It is sad in a way. Dragons seem to be characterized as evil or chaotic even in the minds of pagans.  F U St. George, you asshat.

Now, I admit I have fallen off the wagon in the past ten years.  My spirituality in general if not in free-fall, has at least been stagnant or a plateau. In the past three years things have been ramping up and speeding up.  I've started calling the Dragons again and Their voices are loud as ever.

I can say, They are real.  I can definitely say They are interested in working with people, albeit cautious and understandably so.  I can also say, there may be a link between working with Dragons and working with the Norse pantheon.

Often when I'm on the toilet or showering (LOL) my mind is calm and so visions and sometimes ideas just flow freely. I try to hold onto them until I get out and can write.  This was one of those moments. I thought about the runes that make up the latin name for dragons: Drac, Draco.
And I started laughing and got all giddy.  Because looking at the runes, it makes total sense that this is part of my path.

Especially after pulling Ehwaz a couple days ago.  Things are clicking and it's getting kinda interesting.  So Lets take a brief look at each rune and see how they link together.

Dagaz-   This is a rune that looks like an hourglass on its side.  It is even sided and balanced scales. It is a rune of Day, and represents balanced and evolved consciousness where the gifts of the three gods at the beginning of mankind's creation from living trees are fully developed and realized.  It's Mannaz without the legs.  Where the symbol of Dagaz in Mannaz is small compared to the Isa runes flanking it, representing consciousness frozen in condensed matter. In this symbol consciousness is balanced with Isa and the lessons of Isa have been incorporated into the even sided whole.  The rune Ehwaz is also a part of the evolution of this rune from Ehwaz to Mannaz to Dagaz, as the spirit has evolved to be able to travel between worlds with more ease, and not necessarily need the horse as much.  Or perhaps the horse and the spirit have become so symbiotic, they are now truly one. *It kinda looks like Dragon wings too.

Raidho-      This rune is the vehicle.  It is the rune for the horse by itself.  It is the path of a spiral of evolution upwards, up the tree, and this rune is how the student gets there.  This is a rhythmic, kinetic energy ever progressing forward at an even steady pace like a horse galloping or a steady beat of Dragon wings.  This rune takes the lessons of Ansuz and puts them into action.  "Mind thy thoughts, Mind thy words, Mind thy deeds."  And this depends on good counsel, accurate knowledge, and diligent work ethics.  *Head and tail of Dragon

Ansuz-         It is the rune of breath and speech.  It is both the release through language and symbol what has been learned, and also the practice of chanting and studying symbols to absorb knowledge.  Breath and Speech are tools of evolution as well as expressions of evolution.  But divine inspiration has to be channeled into the student correctly from the beginning.  *Breathe in

Kenaz-        "Kenaz is the fire of divine inspiration under the control of the human craft" (Handbook, 29).  This is the blacksmith at his forge using physical and mental fire to bring to life his creations in steel.  The glass artist at the kiln or with the torch or soldering iron, using heat and fire to bring into manifestation the ideas of the mind and spirit.  Artists channel symbols and objects from the abstract world into physical reality and heat is both a physical tool and a spiritual tool in this process.  Fire is the pyre that sends the body of the dead back to the earth and ashes.  Fire is also the hearth that the Priestess uses to burn offering to the gods.  *Breathe out Fire

Othala-  This is a rune that could be left off in the name Drac.  But it rounds this series of runes out.
This is the rune of sacred space.  It looks like a house with a front porch. I've done a rune analysis on another blog and I will get into deeper meaning for it on this blog.  Inside the center of the seed, Ingwaz, we have the hearth, the safety of home, family, ancestors, our pure sense of Self.  And outside on the front porch or in the front yard is where we express who we are and share who we are, and our gifts, to the world.  We enrich our community by sharing ourselves and receiving knowledge and resources from said community in equal exchange. Gebo is the center and bottom of this rune.
This rune reminds me a lot of a church or synagogue. There is the sense of an inner temple and outer temple.  *Dragon's Cave


        So we start with Dagaz and Raidho.  Both can be traveling runes. We start with the gifts of life and evolve our consciousness through traveling the worlds and learning as much as we can.  We use ritual, sacred space, our breath and voice, and our kinetic fire to evolve ourselves beyond the mundane physical realm.  Only through this channeling of that cosmic balance and knowledge in Dagaz into our words and actions can we evolve toward Othala.  The inner and outer temples of the Gods.  And our eventual rightful place is in the inner sanctum where we sacrifice, worship, and give honor to gods, ancestors, and spirits.  And by doing so share our sacred energy with the community in order to help all of our people evolve and grow.

I know that Raidho is a horse according to Norse and Germanic traditions. Horses were sacred offerings to the gods, sacred in life and death, and travelers between realms.  Sleipnir being the ultimate archetype of this magickal ability.

But I think my "horse" might be the Dragon.  Since the runes that encompass the Latin name are runes that have always appeared on my spiritual path.  In the order I've looked at them, it makes sense to me to bring this Draconic energy into what I have been doing in ritual and meditation with the gods.

I know this will be controversial since dragons still have a very negative PR thing going.  But what I have experienced working with this energy does not fit with the stereotypes given us by the church and fairy tales.  The energy is hot, dry, and a very deep, throbbing humming.  And messages I have received from Them have not contradicted messages I have gotten from the gods or my spirit guide.

So I'll have to keep a stiff upper lip and take what crap gets thrown at me for working with Them. Since I know I will not be able to confront and change the stereotypes that pagans and heathens have of Them.  I'll simply do what I mean to, and let the stones fall where they may.


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