Othala- Part 2


Germanic          :  Othala
Modern English:  Odal
Old Eng.           :  Ethel
Phonetic            :  O
Meaning            : inheritence
                                                                                         (Handbook, 65)

Physical Representations:

There are two different variations of the Elder Futhark when the runes are listed in order. In one version Othala comes last.  This would make the number position 3:8.
                                                                                        (Futhark, 12-13)
In the other version Dagaz comes last.  This would make the number position 3:7.
I'm going to use 3:8 for my discussion.  Fehu is a rune of wealth as if Othala.  Mobile wealth becomes wealth of land (fixed wealth) which becomes the inheritance of one's descendants.

I'm just going to link to this website that discusses how an understanding of this rune can help heal ancestral trauma or abuse.  We inherit from our ancestors gifts but also damage and how we deal with what we have been given affects ourselves and our descendants. ( http://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/othala )


Positive:  Home, Clan prosperity, group order, freedom, productivity, interaction

Warning:  Lack of order, totalitarianism, slavery, poverty, homelessness
                                                                                         (Handbook, 66)
This is also either a connection to our ancestors that is strong and open, or a broken connection with our ancestors.

Mythic Connections:

Connections to Midghardhr, fylgia, wyrd, and Odhinn      (Runelore, 134-135)

             This represents enclosure in the middle of the world column.  Midgard is represented as central to all the other worlds on the tree.  It is also the residence of humans and this rune refers specifically to the estate of man.

Fylgia: a spiritual source of magickal power
             This rune in my personal understanding of it can also refer to the inner and outer temple, as a parallel to the inner and outer yard or self V community.  The fylgia is of the inner temple, a personal spirit, often represented as an animal, that protects the individual and helps the individual access spiritual power.  These spirits are tied to an ancestral line and are inherited as the estate is inherited.

Wyrd or Ancestral Karma:
              The energy our ancestors channeled or summoned can be passed from one generation to the next.  We are our deeds, but we are also the inheritor of our ancestors' deeds.  If our ancestors have wronged someone, then in order to heal our wyrd and our community's wyrd, we should make amends in this life.  This process creates a positive current of wyrd and limits the damage destructive wyrd can do.  At least in theory.  I have to add that last part because we can only control ourselves. If we offer amends, were-guild, reparations, we cannot control the response of the recipient.  At least, do no further harm if reparations are not possible.
              This is a similar process with trauma.  The trauma an ancestor experiences can be passed from one generation to the next. This can be with psychological effects, religious effects, and the negation of positives.  If an ancestor abandons something positive and healthy due to trauma, we inherit that bankruptcy as well.  Like with depression, if we get help in this lifetime and avoid abuse, addiction, and/or suicide, we can help to heal the ancestral karma that was set in motion decades/centuries ago.  We can break an abusive chain in our family line.

               Odin in the myths has a very crafty side to him.  He is often described as someone who attempts to manipulate the web of wyrd in order to create certain outcomes.  He is also a figure who appears to be attempting to balance the forces of order and disorder.  Creating the wall was an attempt to keep chaotic forces, often embodied in the Jotunns, at bay.  Controlling His interactions through carefully diplomacy or manipulation.  Through his work on the tree, at the well, and learning seidr from Freya, He knows the future but seeks control of its subtle direction and keeps His secrets.
Magickal Uses:

Maintain order or fellowship
Common interests in home or family
Clan Centric activity or goals
Channel power from your ancestors
Acquire wealth and prosperity (land)
                                                                                       (Futhark, 69)


This is somewhat limited because of it's obvious references to Midhgardhr and the land or estate.  Earth represents physical matter, human existence and Midhgardhr.
                                                                                       (Furhark, 75)

Spiritual/Cosmic Meaning:

         The mythic connections really helps with the cosmic interpretation of this rune.  It is both the physical inheritence of our ancestors: land, money, property.  But it is also the spiritual inheritance in the form of wyrd or ancestral karma.

          It is the challenge of the student to make rightful use of these things. This row begins with Tiwaz which is right action.  So all the symbols on this line must continue that trend and be rightfully understood and utilized to continue progressing along the spiritual path.  It's like the process of climbing an actual tree; if your footing is not carefully chosen you can fall.  The higher up you are when this happens the more it's going to hurt.

The Eights:

Row 1: Mysteries/Tools to learn
Row 2:  Trials and Tribulations / Conflicts and paths to success
Row 3: The realm where the student works                           (Runelore, 140)

In Row 1 above Othala we have Wunjo as the final tool the student must learn.  This comes from harmonizing the other tools in the row.  If one has community, self and a good enough house a decent life of joy can be had.  But this is where many stop on their path believing they have achieved sucess.  This row can be a manifestation of physical happiness but it is not the end of the spiritual path to a soul level of sucess.  The next row deals with the obstacles to this joy and the testing of the student's mastery of their tools.

In Row 2 above Othala we have Sowelo as a path to success.  It represents the sun and is always moving or spinning. This is where the sun-wheel comes from.  The sun nourishes the earth and plants, as well as giving fishermen a decent ocean to do their work.  But this path necessitates successfully passing through darkness first.  But this brightness, this illumination, comes after having gone through destruction, a lack of kinetic energy, reaping what you have sewn, and a dose of good luck.

If you have engaged in right action in the last row through each rune step then the mind can be open to inspiration.  All of this work, the revelations, overcoming obstacles, becomes the inheritance of the next life or the next generation.  The results of this workis both a reflection of the student's wyrd as well as becoming a part of their wyrd to be passed onto the next generations.

Final Meditations:

I'm going to let my earlier ruminations in the previous entries stand.  I know that over time I will find some subtle nuances in each of the runes that will reveal deeper layers or connections to other runes.

The one thing I would like to add is the chain of Othalas.  I have on my Ouroboros tattoo a diamond pattern down the back of the snake. I was very insistent on this pattern while I gave the artist leniency with the rest of the design.  When you place multiple othala runes in a line, it creates a chain.  I believe this chain helps reflect the meanings of Othala.  Many estates linked together make a kingdom.  Many people linked together make a community.  This helps to enhance the idea of a continuous chain of energy flowing between people.  Wealth flowing between estates and between kingdoms.  It is a reflection of the interconnection of everyone in Midhgardhr.

The Rune Poem:
         I really like the simplicity and optimism of these three lines.  It references a love of land for the harvest, for "rights and reasons" which I could take to  mean the right of ownership and other reasons.
         I like that it speaks of love. It both references Jera and Fehu.  Studies in psychology have revealed that exposure to nature, green spaces, have a positive impact on our outlook on life and our emotions. It decreases depression and increases feelings of fellowship for others in the city or village.

3 Paths Through Midgard:

This stanza is the last in The Path of the Yeoman. It references land ownership and generations buried in the same burial mound or cemetery.  These "bones" stand as proof of that ownership and a family's place in the world. There is slight reference to the spirit.  But the author speaks of seeing his father's eyes in the eyes of his children and their determination to hold their place in this world.    It's a very powerful stanza of land and ancestors.


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