Thurisaz -Part 1

Basically, in the shorthand, this rune stands for the protection and defense of the enclosure or community.  The destruction of enemy forces. It is also a masculine rune for male virility. 
As well as fertility and regeneration.

Considering what is going on in the heathen community in the macro and microcosm, and my own personal community, this is quite the rune to pull right now.

It has meaning personally for me. I've been undergoing a time of purification, of cutting away those aspects of my relationships and my psyche that are rotting or threatening the health of the whole. Sometimes to save the body we must amputate a limb.  The enemy forces in this case would be the disease or toxic elements that threaten the body/community. 

This is always a difficult thing to do.  No one would ever choose to lose a limb if there was hope to save it, or a member of the community if there was hope of healing and re-integration of that person or personality.  But sometimes a sacrifice must be made.

The same with my current psyche. I have always struggled with my ancestors.  Who are they?  Do adopted ones count?  How do I connect to ancestors that have no name or face? I have no record or stories to help me connect.  This has made it difficult for me to define the line between inner and outer yard.  To decide who is included and who is not. 

I am continuing my psychological work inward to figure out where my personal challenges come from. Some are of my own making, some have been handed to me by family.  I hope to eliminate as many of the mysteries as possible and be able to trace each line back to its source. I want to know where the paralyzing fear comes from and confront it.

I did a rune reading today and got what I think is an auspicious rune series.  Isa, Ehwaz, Gebo.

It travels from primordial ice, stillness and lack of vibration, the force of attraction. and the forces of entropy. I think this points to the formation of the group and the forces that kept us together so far but now things are becoming confused and destructive.

It's present is to the twin gods, teamwork, and the development of trust and loyalty.  This group could become a "horse" for traveling toward unity and success.  Both in the bureaucratic sense and in the spiritual sense.  Providing we can work to develop a team mindset.

To a possible future of the concept of a gift for a gift, balance, brotherly love, and an act or force of will to bring together and direct these forces.  If things continue on their path and we act rightly and justly, we could bring about a pretty cohesive community.

It's part of my stress and my anxiety that we had to go through some pretty drama induced and toxic events to get to this point. 

I don't envy the fly on the wall in the apartment of the group of people that left us.  But those of us who remain all speak to having seen it coming.  My only regret is not forcing the crucible sooner.  Perhaps we could have avoided some of the hurt feelings.


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