
Showing posts from October, 2017

Kenaz -Part 1

I pulled this rune while suffering a really bad cold.  I thought that was poetic.  One of its meanings is healing and regeneration. Not to get too deeply into the rune meanings, I have been going through a bit of a spiritual wall lately. I spent a lot of time meditating and working with trying to connect to ancestors.  It's been something that has been bugging me a lot lately that I have no records of my blood ancestors.  I came from an adopted family through a closed adoption.  No records, ever. My mother hinted she had known at one time the identity of my bio mother.  She claimed she had been one of her students.  I don't know if she was lying or just kept it a secret when she slipped up that one time. I never really came out and asked her straight for the information. Through meditations I have met a couple of spirits who identified as blood ancestors.  One really strong one in particular.  I had a very good conversation with her about the women of my bloodline, tryin

Wunjo -Part 2

Translations : Germanic:       Wunjo Mod. Eng.       Joy Old Eng.:         Wyn Phonetic:         W                                                                                           ( Handbook , 33) Physical :         1:8                                                                                             ( Futhark , 12-13) Divination : + Harmony, Joy, Fellowship, Prosperity - Stultification, Sorrow, Strife, Alienation                                                                                             ( Handbook , 34) Magickal Uses : Strengthen Bonds/Fellowship Banish Alienation Happiness and Well-being Binding runes toward specific purpose                                                                                              ( Furthark , 35) Elements : Earth is the realm of existence and in this place is where Wunjo exists.  Fellowship could be the realm of total potential, a place of manifestation and a framework from which so

Wunjo -Part 1

I will have to meditate on this one. I know I mentioned it earlier when discussing Hagalaz and the orientation of Kenaz to Isa.  From memory this rune means joy, and it is an earthly joy.  A job well done, fellowship.  It has come up in readings repeatedly when I have been grappling with doubt.  There are times when I think what I might be receiving in visions could actually be my own inner voices and I enter a dark period emotionally.  Trying to figure out if I'm nuts, delusional, or actually getting what I am getting.  There are runes that I pull that reassure me the messages in meditations are real.  This rune has been a comfort rune for me.  I feel personally that it is a reassurance that if I do what I'm supposed to do, act rightly, then joy can come from walking the path even if the path includes setbacks or slow periods. But that's how the rune has appeared to me a few times in my personal experience.

Thurisaz - Part 2

Translation : Germanic:       Thurisaz, thurs (giant) Mod. Eng:       thorn, thurs Old Eng.:         Thorn Phonetic:         TH                                                                                                         ( Handbook , 23) Physical : Divination : +  Reactive force, directed force, vital eros, catalyst for regeneration -   Danger, defenselessness, compulsion, betryal, dullness                                                                                                          ( Handbook , 24) Myths : This rune in multiple places seems to represent the force of Mjollnir.  The weapon Thor uses to defeat the giants which in modern interpretations of myth are the unconscious forces of nature that threaten civilized society. This weapon brings together the power of lightning and thunder, light and sound.  It's purpose is the protection of humans in Midgard and the Gods in Asgard.