Thurisaz - Part 2

Germanic:       Thurisaz, thurs (giant)
Mod. Eng:       thorn, thurs
Old Eng.:         Thorn
Phonetic:         TH
                                                                                                        (Handbook, 23)


+  Reactive force, directed force, vital eros, catalyst for regeneration

-   Danger, defenselessness, compulsion, betryal, dullness
                                                                                                         (Handbook, 24)


This rune in multiple places seems to represent the force of Mjollnir.  The weapon Thor uses to defeat the giants which in modern interpretations of myth are the unconscious forces of nature that threaten civilized society.

This weapon brings together the power of lightning and thunder, light and sound.  It's purpose is the protection of humans in Midgard and the Gods in Asgard.
                                                                                                          (Futhark, 25)
Magickal Uses:

Destruction of enemies, curses
Summon Will to Action
Prepare "ground" for regeneration
Love Magic (Lust?)
Knowledge of Duality- Division and Union
                                                                                                           (Futhark, 26)


       Fire and Ice are the dominant elements in this rune.

       The power of fire to manifest, to melt and bring release to energy is the power to break barriers and turn potential energy into Kinetic.  Ice is the primal anti-matter, that which existed before matter.  It contains the potential of the universe, of manifestation.

       The make-up of forces in this rune seem to point to the beginning of creation, and also the will to protect the order that is created.

Spiritual/Cosmic Meanings:

This rune focuses on defense, but this defense is like a knee-jerk reaction, or instinctive will to defend and ultimately destroy that which is the enemy.  It is the survival instinct. Specifically, the forces that attack from outside the enclosure of the community, like defending the walls of Asgard against the giants.
        The forces that are this enemey are anti-social, anti-order, and anti-balance.  These forces are not necessarily "evil" but are definitely destructive to the things humans would need to live.
        Thurisaz is a kinetic, piercing force.  It is the power to combine the force of potential and channel them into kinetic action or manifestation.  Such power is necessary in self-defense, in manufacturing weapons, in even creating a cohesive society in the first place.
         Agriculturally, this is the potential of the sun, the seed, the soil to become active.  This rune breaks through barriers. For the rain to soften the barrier of the soil, for the seed to break the shell and pierce the soil. The power that is needed to awaken the earth and regenerate life.

          This rune has a lot in common with Hagalaz in it's meaning with some subtle differences.  Hagalaz seems to be more planned and premeditated willfulness.  Thurisaz is more instinctive and primal.

The Eights:

        Row 1: Mysteries/Tools to learn
        Row 2:  Trials and Tribulations / Conflicts and paths to success
        Row 3: The realm where the student works                           (Runelore, 140)

       Uruz comes before Thurisaz and is a rune of vital strength.  It points to the pattern or blue prints of all things.  This organization should necessarily come before any kinetic breakthrough occurs.  Uruz is the plan and Thurisaz puts it into motion.

       Ansuz comes after Thurisaz and is a rune of expression.  We think, then act, then create and share our knowledge.  This is just the first few runes of the Futhark and so the meanings are very primal and much like building blocks.

       Isa lies below Thurisaz in row 2, conflicts and paths to success.  This rune is very literal in many interpretations. It is ice, intertia, but also absolute potential.  It is raw material and our sense of self or ego.  This is the foundational material that Thurisaz works upon to release for transformation.

      Ehwaz is in row 3, the realm where the student works.  It points to the vehicle the student uses for this process and evolution.  Our body, our mind, our relationships with our gods, require balance and openness.  If there are barriers, this process can break them down.  Trust and loyalty are two traits we must have in our relationships, and they are also two traits most highly assigned to Thor.

Final Thoughts:

        The meaning of this rune seems very transparent to me.  It is Kenaz melting the center of Isa.  There are other runes that have something similar like Raidho and Wunjo.  I believe because Kenaz points at the top half of those runes, the meaning is changed.  In this case, Kenaz is balanced in the center of Isa and melts it evenly creating the balanced mixture at the beginning of creation.

The Rune Poem:

             This was considered a rune of misfortune, danger, pain.  There is an explicit warning toward women to avoid this thorn in other poems.  In this one it states simply that it is not a good thing. There is some indication that "to seize a thorn" could be a warning to avoid avarice, greed, hoarding.  Items of pleasure and wealth are not evil but the refusal to share or circulate these things can create it.  This seems to help connect it to Fehu.

3 Paths Through Midgard:
             This stanza seems to be told from the point of view of a giant or a force of nature.  Destruction, hate, and rage are repeated throughout the stanza, especially rage.  The speaker rages until they are spent and then settles down quietly.


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