Othala -Part 3

"The man who explores
the world beyond his village
will better understand
the motivations of others"

Havamal: Stanza 18

"One log takes fire
from another
Fire kindles from fire
People gain wisdom
by speaking to other people
and foolishness is born of silence"

Havamal: Stanza 57

The second of these quotes seems to support almost exactly what I developed when I unpacked the bindrune of Othala.

From top to bottom, Ingwaz is the seed, the center of the self, the sacred space, and our foundation.  From this strong foundation we can can share our resources and our gifts with the community. Gebo, in equal exchange between self and other, between gods and devotees, and between our present and our ancestors, is how community is built. From this friction between people talking and sharing comes the fire of creation, the sacred fire of communion. Kenaz is also the fire of the forge where metal and clay become works of art which is part of human commerce and trade.  Kenaz can also be the sacred fire of the funeral pyre which connects us to our ancestors and the cycle of birth-life-death/rebirth.

That Havamal stanza hit me like a brick this morning. I'm loving this. How can those fascists out there get Othalo so wrong? Ugh


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