Sowelo -Part 1 and 2

Seasonal Effective Disorder is definitely a problem for me.   The sun is staying up later and I can feel a return of positivism, energy, and getting work done.

It also points to my need to get back on the wagon as far as my spiritual practice is concerned. Between the illnesses and the depressive swings my weekly meditations have become a few times a month when I can literally breathe without hacking again.

I am very concerned about this since sticking longterm to a schedule has never been a strong point with me. I fall off the wagon at least once every six months and many times don't get back on for years. This is a huge problem given the current position I occupy and the responsibilities that I have.

Not just to mention how much I want to keep doing what I'm doing. This passed year I have felt an intense connection to the land, the spirits, and specific gods.  I don't recall having a connection like this even in college when I was at my most active and open.  It's really intense and I like it and want it to continue.


Germanic:       Sowilo
Old Eng:         Sigil
Mod Eng:       Sun
Phonetic:        S                                                                               (Handbook, 49)

Physical:   (2:8)

                                                                                                        (Futhark, 12-13)


+ Guidance, Hope, Success, Goals achieved, Honor

- False goals, Bad counsel, False success, Gullibility, Loss of goals
                                                                                                         (Handbook, 50)

Magickal Uses:

strengthen psychic centers
increase spiritual will
guidance through the pathways
victory and success through will                                                       (Futhark, 53)


Thorsson makes  a note that the true victory rune is Tiwaz.  Sowelo is more of a positive outcome, reaching your goals as a result of taking logical, systematic, willful action.

Both of his main books refers to Shields or Wheels. The sun wheel is representative of the solar wagons wheels. It is the regular path of the sun across the sky.  The sun is a goddess in norse mythology named Sunna.    Sowelo points to a regular practice or regular activity/actions.  This force of staying constant and on a set path is both the guiding force through the paths in the Tree as well as a reflection of the Will of the student. A strong will leads to keeping up with a routine of practice that can result in success.

(Futhark, 51-52)

The Sun is a countering force to Isa. It's heat breaks down inertia so that a force for dynamic movement or evolution can be unleashed.

This rune also as a Shield is protective in nature. And like Ingwaz, this protection can provide a safe space for evolution or germination to occur. Specifically this rune protects the development of the will and consciousness. The evolution, the development of one's will power can be guided by it's light.   It is similar to Kenaz in that torches can also be used to guide the student out of darkness.

(Runelore, 127)


Sowelo as the sun is obviously heat and fire.  It is expansive, light, and dynamic. This is a direct opposition to ice which is cold, dark, contraction, and inertia
                                                                                                   (Runelore, 150)

The Eights:

        Row 1: Mysteries/Tools to learn
        Row 2:  Trials and Tribulations / Conflicts and paths to success
        Row 3: The realm where the student works                           (Runelore, 140)

In the row of Tools is Wunjo. What this says to me is there is a need to learn the tool of Fellowship and the joy of working together toward a goal.  This could point to fraternity, group work, keeping an eye on how our actions affect those around us.  Learn to find joy in a shared goal.

In the row of Trials or paths to Success is Sowelo itself. This points to a pattern of behavior, cyclical and predictable that is part of self-discipline necessary for success. The rise and set of the sun is predictable and clocks/calendars are set by it.  Our ritual behavior should follow a similar steadiness in order to achieve our goals.

In the row of the environment is Othala. This seems to indicate a need to ground oneself in the land you live on, the ancestors that have a vested interest in your success, the sacred center that the priestess works in communing with the gods and spirits.

Combing these indicates success can be dictated by the student's ability to work in harmony with their ancestors, gods, land spirits and community.

Final Thoughts:

Sowelo has a few different potential applications in it.  One I have already discussed in the entry on Raidho.  The combination of Isa and a reversed Sowelo.

Another is two Kenaz runes rotating clockwise around each other pointing heat in all directions.  This seems to point to the sun itself.  It gives heat to the land and it travels around the earth in a regular pattern that we measure time from.

3 Paths Through Midgard:

In the first three lines there is a direct reference to using the light of this rune to guide the will. The rainbow bridge points to using this light to guide the student through the worlds and along the paths.  There is an indication that the student has an opportunity to step out of the cycle of reincarnation and had risen to a point of wisdom where the company they keep is now wiser and of higher spiritual status. "No longer is a piece, but a player."  The student has ceased to be a pawn or other board piece in the cosmic game. They are now someone who can manipulate the board and the pieces rather than being manipulated. Finally there is a reference to Ragnarok, when the worlds burn. The student has risen to a status where they can fight beside the gods shoulder to shoulder.

The Rune Poem:

These three lines directly reference the sun as a tool of navigation. This lights the sailor's way, gives them hope, and helps them find the shore.


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