
Showing posts from September, 2017

Thurisaz -Part 1

Basically, in the shorthand, this rune stands for the protection and defense of the enclosure or community.  The destruction of enemy forces. It is also a masculine rune for male virility.  As well as fertility and regeneration. Considering what is going on in the heathen community in the macro and microcosm, and my own personal community, this is quite the rune to pull right now. It has meaning personally for me. I've been undergoing a time of purification, of cutting away those aspects of my relationships and my psyche that are rotting or threatening the health of the whole. Sometimes to save the body we must amputate a limb.  The enemy forces in this case would be the disease or toxic elements that threaten the body/community.  This is always a difficult thing to do.  No one would ever choose to lose a limb if there was hope to save it, or a member of the community if there was hope of healing and re-integration of that person or personality.  But sometimes a sacrifice mu

Uruz -Part 2

Translations :            Germanic:       Uruz, Auroch            Mod. Eng.:      Ox, bison            Old Eng.:         Ur            Old Norse:       drizzle, rain            Phonetic:         U (can be V)                                                                                                      ( Handbook , 21) Physical :     1:2 Divination :             + Strength, defense, tenacity, freedom, form, health, understanding             - Weakness, obsession, misdirectional force ignorance dominated by others, inconsistency,                      sickness                                                                                                       ( Handbook , 22) Myths :               This rune is visually the horns of the Auroch pointing downward.  In the myths is points to Audhumla, which was the original cow or bovine figure who licked salty ice and shaped the body of Buri.  This being was also a source of sustenance for Ymir before He was d

Uruz- Part 1

I was doing my meditation today and I 'saw' both Frigga and Freya on either side of me.  I meditate in front of an old mirror from my husband's family.  Over a century old.  Frigga told me to make the offering to Odin today. So after the meditation part where I work with the cauldron and candle to make the blood offering, I had a brief conversation, or was talked about in conversation, between Loki and Odin.  Loki had mentioned that this next rune is one I should work closely with in my current development of the skills and tools I need to continue doing this work. I always wonder if I am hearing things right or if it's a manifestation of my own subconscious, hope and fears.  Am I talking to myself?  But I heard to draw a rune while the fire was still burning the blood offering and to draw it quickly. Don't overanalyze, which is a problem of mine.  I drew Ansuz.  So I think that might be a confirmation that I was hearing right.  At least today.

Algiz- Part 2

Translation : Germanic:    Algiz, Elhaz Mod. Eng:    Elks Old Eng.:      Eolhx Phonetic:      Z                                                                 ( Handbook , 47) Physical :        2:7                                                                                         ( Futhark , 12-13) Divination : Pos:       Connection with the gods, awakening, higher life, protection Warn:    Hidden danger, loss of divine connection, consumption of divine sources                                                                                         ( Handbook , 48) Myths : This rune is also a rune of communication like Ansuz and Iwaz.  Ansuz is the use of speech and vocalization to both gain wisdom and share wisdom.  Iwaz is a rune that runes the vertical column of the tree, enabling communication in a vertical line between the worlds.  This rune also allows communication and travel but in a spiral pattern around the branches and roots of the tree.  It r

Algiz- Part 1

I did my meditation today to pick the next rune.  I lit the blue candle and made an offering of mead on the altar.  I use the metronome each time instead of a drum.  I don't like the idea of having a recording of drums because I never know how long my meditations will go.  I set the time today for 20 minutes because I had to pick the kid up from school. As I focused on moving water to help me with concentration, I noted the shallow depth and the large stones and boulders in the water. I was trying to focus on one spot to watch the ripples around the stone near my feet but my gaze was moving. I noticed my hands and feet on this large bounder with a flat top I was standing on.  I had crouched down to look closer into the water and I saw a catfish kinda treading right in front of the boulder.  After what felt like a few minutes it swam up stream. There was some conversation in the meditation and then I came out of it and did a three rune reading for myself.  The catfish represen

Iwaz/Eihwaz -Part 2

Translation : Germanic:   Eihwaz Mod Eng   : Yew Old Eng:      Eoh Phonetic  :  E, I, EI                                                                                              ( Handbook , 43-44) Physical : 2:5                                                                                                                                                                                         ( Futhark , 12-13) Divination :          Positive: Enlightenment, Endurance, Initiation, Protection          Warning: Confusion, Destruction, Dissatisfaction, Weakness                                                                                               ( Handbook , 44) Myths :           There are two specific references in mythology this rune connects to that help to reveal it's significance. One, is it's connection with Yggdrasil and specifically the Yew tree.  This rune is the axis of the tree and connects the world of the dead, with midgard, with the

Iwaz/Eihwaz- Part 1

So I drew this rune a week ago.  I've been sitting on it partly because things got really busy between my businesses, daughter's first day of school, and Kindred Game Night which necessitated a full house cleaning. But I was also drawing an inspirational blank. The only thing that occurred to me was two Laguz runes revolving around each other.  But I don't have any revelations about what that could mean. So this morning while working on my glass art I felt lightheaded and like a finger was pushing into my head right behind my eye.  So I cut my work an hour early, showered, ate a lunch in case it was low blood sugar, and took some migraine meds. I still pulled out my cauldron and candle for offerings, lit the blue candle for Odin and went into meditation using my metronome.  I had a brief and personal conversation that I'm keeping the details of to myself.  And then made a blood offering using the diabetic supplies I keep on hand for such purpose. After reading a