Thurisaz -Part 1
Basically, in the shorthand, this rune stands for the protection and defense of the enclosure or community. The destruction of enemy forces. It is also a masculine rune for male virility. As well as fertility and regeneration. Considering what is going on in the heathen community in the macro and microcosm, and my own personal community, this is quite the rune to pull right now. It has meaning personally for me. I've been undergoing a time of purification, of cutting away those aspects of my relationships and my psyche that are rotting or threatening the health of the whole. Sometimes to save the body we must amputate a limb. The enemy forces in this case would be the disease or toxic elements that threaten the body/community. This is always a difficult thing to do. No one would ever choose to lose a limb if there was hope to save it, or a member of the community if there was hope of healing and re-integration of that person or personality. But...